MarketManager (AMM)


Initialises a new market, defined over a unique combination of:

  • Base token: contract address for the base token (e.g. ETH) of the market pair

  • Quote token: contract address for the quote token (e.g. USDC) of the market pair

  • Width: market width which defines the precision of limit price increments (min. 1.00001 intervals)

  • Strategy: address of the strategy contract used for managing liquidity on the market (or 0 if none)

  • Swap fee rate: the fee rate paid by swappers to LPs, applied on amounts paid in to the pool

  • Fee controller: address of the fee controller contract that returns the variable swap fee rate for the market (or 0 if none)

  • Controller: address of the market controller that can define access control for various market features (e.g. enabling or disabling swaps, limit orders and strategies)

The market_id is generated from the Poseidon hash of the above variables, ensuring their uniqueness. The event also emits the start limit / tick and sqrt price of the market at initialisation.

#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
struct CreateMarket {
    market_id: felt252,
    base_token: ContractAddress,
    quote_token: ContractAddress,
    width: u32,
    strategy: ContractAddress,
    swap_fee_rate: u16,
    fee_controller: ContractAddress,
    controller: ContractAddress,
    start_limit: u32,
    start_sqrt_price: u256,


Modifies liquidity position, either adding or removing liquidity, or collecting accrued fees. The event is also emitted for limit order updates, such that indexing all ModifyPosition events yields an accurate 1:1 view of available liquidity.

  • Caller: position owner

  • Market ID: market id (see above)

  • Lower limit: shifted limit at which position starts

  • Upper limit: shifted limit at which position ends

  • Is Limit Order: true if event is emitted as part of a limit order update, false otherwise

  • Liquidity Delta: change in liquidity applied by position update, or 0 if collecting fees only

  • Base Amount: amount of base assets added or removed from position

  • Quote Amount: amount of quote assets added or removed from position

  • Base Amount: amount of base fees collected from position

  • Quote Amount: amount of quote fees collected from position

#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
struct ModifyPosition {
    caller: ContractAddress,
    market_id: felt252,
    lower_limit: u32,
    upper_limit: u32,
    is_limit_order: bool,
    liquidity_delta: i128,
    base_amount: i256,
    quote_amount: i256,
    base_fees: u256,
    quote_fees: u256,


Creates a new limit order.

  • Caller: position owner

  • Market ID: market id (see above)

  • Order ID: assigned unique order id

  • Limit: shifted (lower) limit at which order is placed, i.e. the position spans limit to limit + width)

  • Batch ID: ID of order batch to which order belongs (orders are batched for efficient filling)

  • Is Bid: true if order is a bid limit order

  • Amount: order amount

Note that this event also emits a ModifyPosition event (see explanation above).

#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
struct CreateOrder {
    caller: ContractAddress,
    market_id: felt252,
    order_id: felt252,
    limit: u32,
    batch_id: felt252,
    is_bid: bool,
    amount: u256,


Collects an existing limit order, withdrawing both filled and unfilled amounts.

  • Caller: position owner

  • Market ID: market id (see above)

  • Order ID: assigned unique order id

  • Limit: shifted (lower) limit at which order is placed, i.e. the position spans limit to limit + width)

  • Batch ID: ID of order batch to which order belongs (orders are batched for efficient filling)

  • Is Bid: true if order is a bid limit order

  • Base amount: base amount collected

  • Quote amount: quote amount collected

#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
struct CollectOrder {
    caller: ContractAddress,
    market_id: felt252,
    order_id: felt252,
    limit: u32,
    batch_id: felt252,
    is_bid: bool,
    base_amount: u256,
    quote_amount: u256,


Executes a swap through a single market.

  • Caller: swap caller

  • Market ID: market id (see above)

  • Is Buy: true if swapping from quote to base asset, false otherwise

  • Exact Input: true if amount specified is in terms of input asset, false if in terms of output asset

  • Swap ID: assigned unique swap id

  • Amount In: amount swapped in (in quote tokens for buys, base tokens for sells)

  • Amount Out: amount swapped out (in base tokens for buys, quote tokens for sells)

  • Fees: amount swapped in (in quote tokens for buys, base tokens for sells)

  • End Limit: shifted limit of the market after the swap

  • End Sqrt Price: square root price of the market after the swap

  • Market Liquidity: active market liquidity after the swap

#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
struct Swap {
    caller: ContractAddress,
    market_id: felt252,
    is_buy: bool,
    exact_input: bool,
    swap_id: u128,
    amount_in: u256,
    amount_out: u256,
    fees: u256,
    end_limit: u32, // final limit reached after swap
    end_sqrt_price: u256, // final sqrt price reached after swap
    market_liquidity: u128, // global liquidity after swap


A swap over multiple markets.

  • Caller: swap caller

  • Swap ID: assigned unique swap id (used for identifying each leg of the multi-swap)

  • In Token: token swapped in

  • Out Token: token swapped out

  • Amount In: amount swapped in

  • Amount Out: amount swapped out

Note that individual Swap events are also emitted for every leg of the swap, in addition to the MultiSwap event.

#[derive(Drop, starknet::Event)]
struct MultiSwap {
    caller: ContractAddress,
    swap_id: u128,
    in_token: ContractAddress,
    out_token: ContractAddress,
    amount_in: u256,
    amount_out: u256,

Last updated